Sunday, August 31, 2008

Rome Rome Rome

I have to be fast because I have to use an internet cafe for now and people are waiting, but I just thought you should know that I am alive and loving life. How can you get much better than Rome? It would be hard to. I may go into more detail later about the first few days, but here is a few things I have learned.
- Lufthansa is a German airline thus EVERYBODY speaks German. I did not realize that until
I was one the plane and I really think I was one of ten Americans. Just in case you did not
know, I only speak English no matter how many times you speak to me in German. I could
have used having Mom or Stephanie around, but oh well.
- The Frankfurt airport is insanely large. I would suggest that nobody ever has less than an
hour to get to their next flight because you will not make it. Kind of crazy.
- It is hot in Rome. Very very hot and sticky, but great. You just come to accept the fact that
you are nast all day. Great fun.
- Honestly, church is hard when you do not understand what they are saying...ever. It makes
it even more hard when you are still trying to get over jet lag. I do not suggest it.
- It is the best feeling to be walking around the city and you turn a corner and you think...
HOLY COW there is the Pantheon, or the Column of Trajan, or some amazing church.

Life is good...I do not think anybody can compete.