Friday, November 14, 2008

It's Bond, James Bond

If you want to see where I live just go and see the new James Bond movie. Yes, we did go and see it and it was all in Italian. It was a great commentary on multiple things. First of all, I had to laugh at what I understood. Turns out that my Italian won't get me too far in the world. The words that I understood really just didn't help me figure out what was going on. I'm also convinced that I wouldn't have understood a whole lot more if the movie had been in English. I've never been very good at following James Bond movies. It was nice to realize though that most of the plot doesn't revolve around the dialogue but rather the blowing up of people and buildings. I will want to see this one in English though...see how much I really understood. The best part of it all is that the first ten minutes or so was filmed in Siena!! I walk those streets every day and we talk about that horse race on a regular basis. It was so great to see a bit of my life on the screen. Oh, and by the way, Italians have an intermission in movies. I was a bit startled when the movie just stopped halfway through and intermission flashed on the screen. It didn't know people did that.


Anonymous said...

So I'm ridiculously jealous of you once again. I have yet to see the new James Bond and it is almost killing me, also you are actually living in an area where James Bond blew some stuff up. You're so lucky.

Samantha said...

We saw it this weekend and you should have heard my gasp when I saw Siena on the screen. Brian is getting used to such gasps, as many movies are filmed in parts of Italy. But this time it was "Siena!, Kimberly, she's there, oh!" and so forth. Don't worry, I'm sure you got almost as much out of it as I did, even watching it in Italian.